1. Created and passed a simpler new Zoning ordinance that lessened impervious cover and setback restrictions, eliminated inconsistencies, and decreased volume from 92 pages to 56 pages. The result decreased the average number of annual variance requests by over 90%.
2. Improved ordinance cross referencing, conflicts, duplication and readability through a Franklin codification process including a legal review then publishing searchable ordinances on our website.
3. Relieved residential properties from complying with the same requirements for Site Plan Approval as Subdivisions and Commercial projects by amending the Site Development ordinance.
4. Major work done on Site Development Ordinance to simplify permitting and construction in the Village. Evaluated other area ordinances, met with nearby municipalities, built a structure and prepared an initial rough draft to present to the community that reduced the bulk from 231 pages to under 90. Created builder’s packet to make it easier for residents to understand and follow our process.
5. Developed a new Zoning map identifying all properties, including the historical/small lots that have reduced restrictions, to the proper zoning district.
6. Created and passed a wireless communication facilities ordinance regulating the siting and construction of towers and other projects that could negatively affect the Volente residents. Followed this with ordinance allowing Volente to regulate network providers access to public right of ways to prevent or control nodes that could be adjacent to residential lots.
7. Wrote and passed a resolution establishing Guidelines and Procedures for the Amendment and/or Creation of Ordinances to ensure an efficient and consistent approach involving community input.
8. Made it easier and less expensive for a property owner to combine a small number of lots by amending the Subdivision ordinance to add a provision for a “short form”.
9. Improved fire safety and potentially reduced area home insurance rates by achieving NFPA FireWise status with prevention activities, education of residents and firefighters, and free home inspections including working with the ESD to complete the requirements.
10. Secured qualification for funding related to emergencies or disasters by completing a Hazard Mitigation Plan with several Travis County communities and the Tx Colorado River Floodplain Coalition.
11. Finalized VOV Emergency Response Plan documenting roles and responsibilities and general concepts of responding to fire, flood, and other disasters.
12. Maintained peace and safety over the Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Labor Day weekends by hiring off duty sheriffs for traffic control and security.
13. Designed and installed directional signage for intersection of 2769 and Lime Creek to prevent traffic congestion, and safety problems, and facilitate emergency evacuation.
14. Worked to protect our community from BCRUA pipeline construction and drilling activities by attending BCRUA meetings to monitor plans. Began process for an interlocal agreement.
15. Resurfaced and restriped Lime Creek Rd from 2769 to Jackson.
16. Recaptured at least $70,000 in new sales tax revenue that allows property taxes to be ~25% less than if the tax was retained by Capital Metro. Managed the opt out process from Capital Metro taxation and redirected the tax to Volente road maintenance. This included petitions, community communications, negotiations with Capital Metro, and managing an election.
17. Budgeted expenses and approved tax rates for 2017 and 2018 that were 12% lower than the average tax rate since the Village was incorporated 13 years ago.
18. Reduced long-term road maintenance costs and leveled the year to year effect on taxes by selecting a Village road engineering firm and preparing a 24-year schedule of planned work and costs.
19. Eliminated the yearly swings in taxes raised from residents and insured that taxes raised for roads are used for roads by creating Special Revenue and Committed Funds to allow for an annual reserve for road maintenance over the long term. For example: this allowed the 2018 taxes to be based on a $49,000 long term average cost rather than the $143,000 planned actual costs.
20. Organized and cleaned up the financial records, financial reporting, and document filing of the city and completed audit for 2014 and 2015 and prepared financials for 2016 audit, which is in process.
21. Decreased mowing costs from $18,000 to $3000, and tree trimming costs from $45,000 to $5000 compared to previous year by evaluating and selecting new vendors.
22. Reduced road costs by securing a grant from Capital Metro for $60,000 in road maintenance money for 2017 without any effect on withdrawal costs from Cap Metro and recapture of tax going forward.
23. Implemented a budgeting and accounting process that allows reduction of current year taxes for amounts that were budgeted but significantly underspent in previous years.
24. Saved $15,000 annually by restructuring contract that uses engineering firm for code inspections.
25. Extended office lease and evaluated an extensive number of options for new offices. Negotiated an option for a $1/year land lease with the ESD. Working with architect for design work and to assist with evaluating alternatives for most efficient, compliant, and cost-effective approach.
26. Implemented new email, file storage, backup, accounting and reporting systems to increase the efficiency of administration, resolve problems with inconsistent email access and data loss, protect Volente data from loss, and improve ease of research and information access.
27. Reduced costs by operating city hall with half the staff of previous years, making use of more volunteer time from Mayor and Council Members. Determined this is not sustainable.
28. Executed new contract with Texas Disposal Systems that allows a free bulk trash pickup to be scheduled by each property rather than single day for all properties.
29. Built a Mayor’s consortium with nearby small towns including Lago Vista, Point Venture, Lakeway, Briarcliff and Jonestown, to meet with, share ideas and provide each other assistance and advice.
30. Secured volunteers to participate in the Public Works, Zoning Commission, Finance & Administration, Public Safety, Government Relations, Parks, and Communications committees.
31. Updated and proposed admin ordinance to reflect current processes. Added ethics standards and a complaint driven process for handling code violations driven by discussions and education.
32. Working with Volente Peak owners on extending the PDD agreement and pursuing collection of a $200,000 fee and land dedication to the Village.
33. Researched land records and presented to Travis County Commissioners Court our evidence that Mollberg Park belongs to Volente. Initiated legal actions to claim the land for Volente residents.
34. Approved zoning changes to pave the way for development of VJ’s properties and obtained written agreement from developer that the development include a restaurant, grocery, and coffee shop as promised in their plan, rather than some other allowed commercial use.
35. Corrected and improved the Financial Controls and Spending Policy ensuring proper controls.
36. Completed a Texas Open Meetings Act and Ethics training session for council members.